Prayer reminds us that, ultimately, the fruit of our labour stems from God's empowerment (1 Corinthians 3:6-7). We need to do everything through Him and His power for our work to be effective (John 15:5). With that in mind, we invite you to support Mustard through prayer in these four areas:
(1) "A Reason to Hope" Inter-School Event
We praise God for a successful inter-school event at PLC, at which over fifty students from eight schools took part in discussions, worship, prayer and games.

Pray that the Christian students who came would continue to be encouraged to share their faith and emboldened to reach out to their peers at school.
Pray that the Spirit would stir in the hearts of the non-Christians who came and that they would continue to ask questions about Jesus and engage with their school's Lunchtime Group.
(2) An Amazing Chapel Service

Praise God for our Chapel Service at Lighthouse Christian College!
Jesus' offer of value and hope were clearly communicated in engaging and thought-provoking ways.
Brittany's testimony about her struggles to measure up at school directly touched the heart of one student, who came up at the end and shared with us her similar situation at school. We had the opportunity to pray with that student and we ask that you continue to pray that she would find her true worth in Jesus and be a light for Him in her friendship group and year level.
(3) Lunchtime Groups
Pray for fledgling Lunchtime Groups at Eltham High, Mildura Secondary and Glenunga High School (in SA) where there is significant hostility towards Christianity. Give the leaders boldness and a love that shines through to non-Christians hearts. Pray that the numbers in these groups would grow with new Christians and seekers joining.
(4) Prayer Breakfast - SAVE THE DATE

A Prayer Breakfast for students, parents and supporters will be held to pray for our schools. The details are as follows:
When: Friday 9th June at 7am Where: Camberwell Girls Grammar RSVP: Hope to see you there!