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Cameron (Student Leader Alumni)

Twenty Years Together

Updated: Jun 27, 2024

Special memories from Mustard's 20 Year Celebration Dinner will remain in the minds of those present for a long time to come! It was such a wonderful night of celebrating God's many blessings upon this ministry and the lives that have been transformed by Jesus! During the night, we reflected on the changes in graphic design, technology and fashion from those early days. We also heard from a diverse group of people who shared fond memories and prayed for Mustard, and meditated on what we have achieved in two decades of service.

Gathered Together in His Name

Past CEOs (Peter Carolane, Tim Clare and Brenton Killeen, pictured R-L below), past and present Board members (Doug Crocket, Joy Linton, Elida Brereton and Neale Meredith), former students and student leaders such as Will, Andrew, Michael and Claire, and current students including Doris, Emma, Joe and Carissa (among others!), were part of the festivities, and their prayers for the success of Mustard have been incredibly edifying.

Guests overwhelmingly agreed they found our state school students, Talei and Chelsea, the most inspiring of our speakers (pictured below with other students and Mustard staff member, Ella). Our mission of Students Leading Students to Jesus was highlighted when Chelsea shared that she recently became a Christian after hearing the gospel through her friendship with Talei and her involvement in the Mustard Lunchtime Group at their high school! Praise God!

To Dwell Together in Unity

There was a buzz around the Silent Auction tables, big hugs for friends not seen for some time and many stories shared of how God has used Mustard to transform students' lives for Him.

The Wall of Mustard (pictured below) was a popular study to recall past students and student leaders, peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns, OWN IT. Conferences, SEED Magazines, Schools Programs and more. What stands out to you from part of this installation, seen below?

A Threefold Cord Is Not Easily Broken

This gospel work can only continue with the ongoing support of people like you. To keep Mustard's ministry to students in schools sustainable, we need to raise up more supporters to stand with us in this increasingly difficult environment.

Are you inspired to support Mustard as a Grower, by giving a monthly recurring donation towards this work? Perhaps you have the capacity to give a little more as a one-off donation. To financially support Mustard, please head to the Donate page of our website now.

We pray your support (whether financial and/or prayerful) will help us plant more gospel seeds, to see more lives transformed through Jesus in schools

We look forward to continuing this ministry journey with you!

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